Students must have department approval to register for IFSI classes. A written signature on paper registrations or an online PIN number is proof of approval. Online registration is strongly encouraged. If you need to create a PIN number, complete the Fire Chief PIN Authorization.
Student selection will be based on the date the registration form is received and by the number of registration forms submitted by each department. Registration forms may be downloaded on our forms page.
Student selection will be made 30 to 45 days prior to the class beginning date. Acceptance letters will be available on the Resource Center student account 30 days prior to the start of class. All students with valid email addresses will receive confirmation emails 15 days prior to class.
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MABAS Members - A member of a Mutual Aid Box Alarm System Team
In order to be accepted into an IFSI course(s), each students registration will be prioritized by the following:
Priority 1: MABAS approved roster
Priority 2: Any firefighter who is employed by a fire department within the State of Illinois. The firefighter will be prioritized through the online IFSI completed & submitted enrollment form date or when IFSI support staff receives the registration by fax or email.
Priority 3: Fire Department’s that have an Intra or interstate agreement to respond within Illinois. Out-of-State Fire Department members are enrolled in the course, if there are open available seats. If seats are not available the these Fire Department members would be put below the State of IL MABAS members and/or Illinois Firefighters who have first priority on the waiting list based on when IFSI receives completed registration form.
Special Circumstance not included in this policy, will be reviewed and/or approved on a case by case basis.
Back To TopSome courses have training charges assessed. The training charges are used to defray direct training costs to the students. Courses conducted in cooperation with other agencies may have additional fees attached by those groups or may be supplemented and reduce direct cost. Food, lodging and transportation costs are the responsibility of the sponsoring agency or student.
Registration fees will be billed to you, or your department, the first day of the course.
Purchase orders will be accepted before the course begins, but not at the class itself. Please mark on the registration
form who is to be billed. Please do not send cash or checks with your registration(s). All payments should be
submitted to:
University of Illinois Payment Center
General A/R
28394 Network Place
Chicago, IL 60673-1283
as instructed on the billing statement. The sponsoring department or student, as designated on the registration form, will be
billed the first day of the course. No payment will be accepted prior to billing. If payment is sent with registration forms, it will be
returned. The student's sponsoring fire department is ultimately responsible for the payment of the course fee.
Some courses may require that students provide documentation showing that they have previously completed specific courses, or levels of certification, prior to acceptance into the class.
Back To TopStudents are required to attend or make up all class sessions of the course in order to be awarded a course completion or attendance certificate, or to sit for an end-of-course examination.
Back To TopAll non-Cornerstone classes will be determined as go/no go at 6 weeks prior to the start of the class and class letters will be mailed at that point.
In order for the students, or their agency, to avoid being billed for the usual course fees, notifications of withdrawal from the student’s Chief or Training Officer must be received by IFSI no later than 4 weeks prior to the start of the course. This notification must be in writing. Failure to notify the Institute, as noted above, will; result in the individual or the requesting department being billed.
At the 4 week point, if the class falls below the minimum needed to hold the class, IFSI reserves the right to cancel the class.
The Division of Personnel Standards and Education, Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal, approves many of the courses that are scheduled and sponsored by the Illinois Fire Service Institute for certification and reimbursement. The applicable OSFM levels of certfication are identified in each course description. If certification credit is required, be sure that you enroll in those programs that are clearly identified as offering those credits.
Programs that are delivered through the use of a Memorandum of Agreement between a department, association, or organization, are not automatically granted certification credit. It is the responsibility of the department, association, or organization that requests the training to contact the OSFM to insure that credit is applicable. The Illinois Fire Service Institute is not responsible for issuing certification or reimbursement credit for programs not directly sponsored by the Illinois Fire Service Institute.
Back To TopTraining is available to every fire department in the State of Illinois. Many of the basic fire fighting classes offered through IFSI are available at no cost/low cost basis. Additional classes can be obtained by contracting with IFSI for delivery at your department.
The procedure for scheduling these classes is very straightforward and simple. By following these steps your department, association, or organization can have IFSI deliver top quality training at locations and on dates that are convenient to your firefighters.
Back To TopSubmitting a Request for Training
Request for training forms are available online here.
Request for Training forms must be submitted to the Illinois Fire Service Institute no later than forty-five calendar days prior to the requested start date of the class. When the scope of the class, dates and times are agreed to, a contract or program form will be issued. When this arrives at your department, read the document carefully. The contract or program form is the agreement between IFSI and the department about the terms of delivery for the requested program. The contract or program form contains the name of the program, delivery dates, lead instructor's name, and the cost (if any) for course delivery. It also details any additional requirements your department may have to provide, such as AV equipment, apparatus, etc. The contract or program form also will detail the cancellation policy. The contract or program form must be signed and returned to the Illinois Fire Service Institute no later than fifteen calendar days prior to the start date of the class designated on the contract or program form. There is no agreement for the delivery of any IFSI class to any department, association or organization without a signed contract or program form.
Once the signed contract or program form is returned to the Illinois Fire Service Institute, your program is "activated" and preparations are made for the delivery of the program, as indicated in the contract or program form.
The Class Confirmation Process at IFSI When your Request for Training is received at the Illinois Fire Service Institute, it is entered into the computer systems and given an activity (FP) number. It is then reviewed by the Program Director under which you request may fall. The Program Director will assign and contact the instructor(s) that are going to deliver the program. Either the Program Director, or the assigned instructor, will then contact the person listed on the Request for Training form to arrange valid dates and times for the program.
Back To TopIFSI can customize many training programs and location deliveries to meet your department or organization need. To inquire about specialized (contract) training, contact the Program Manager for your program/course of interest. A complete list of leadership contacts is available here: Leadership Contacts
Back To TopIllinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) has reviewed IFSI courses for EMS Continuing Education Units (CEU's). The following courses have been approved for CEU's from IDPH. To confirm that a class qualifies for CEUs, click on the courses title when you see it listed, a description of the class will come up which will say whether it has CEU's associated with it or not. At completion of the course, students will receive a certificate from IFSI indicating the approved credits available from
Per Section 515.590 (2) (A), 77 ILL. Adm. Code 515, states:
"One hundred twenty hours of continuing education, seminars and workshops, addressing both adult and pediatric care. The system
shall define in the Program Plan the number of continuing education hours to be accrued each year for relicensure. No more than 25 percent
of those hours may be in the same subject"
This information applies only to those courses which have a recommended college credit rating.
The American Council on Education (ACE) has reviewed numerous IFSI courses for college credits. Descriptions and the amount of credits
recommended by the ACE are listed in the National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs.
IFSI terminated it's affiliation with ACE effective March 4, 2008. ACE approved courses completed prior to that date are still eligible for ACE recognition just as previously. Courses after that date are not ACE recognized
A student, who has already taken, or plans to take, an Institute course and desires
to apply the recommended credits toward a college curriculum, should check with the college he or she plans
to attend to determine both the amount of credit and the subject areas in which the college will grant credit.
Each institution and, in many cases, each academic unit and department within each institution, sets its own policies
for granting credit. The college is not required to grant a student as much credit as recommended by ACE.
The Illinois Fire Service Institute is not capable of issuing transcripts as is often required by colleges and
universities. It is the responsibility of the student to acquire the information required for the college or university to issue
ACE credit. Transfers are available from ACE. The IFSI issues certificates of training only.
For courses taken after March 4, 2008 for which a student is requesting college credit, IFSI can verify to the college the syllabus and objectives covered in the class.
The American Medical Association is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
Participation in the Basic Disaster Life Support (BDLS) course qualifies for 6.5 AMA PRA Category 1 credits.
The American Medical Association designates this educational activity for a maximum of 6.5 category 1 credits toward the AMA Physician's Recognition Award. Each physician should claim only those credits that he/she actually spent in the activity.
The American Medical Association has determined that physicians not licensed in the US who participate in this activity are eligible for AMA PRA category 1 credit.
Participation in the Advanced Disaster Life Support (ADLS) course qualifies for 13 AMA PRA Category 1 credits.
The American Medical Association designates this educational activity for a maximum of 13 category 1 credits toward the AMA Physician's Recognition Award. Each physician should claim only those credits that he/she actually spent in the activity.
The American Medical Association has determined that physicians not licensed in the US who participate in this activity are eligible for AMA PRA category 1 credit.
The Volunteer Incentive Program (VIP) is an intensive six-day educational opportunity
designed specifically for the volunteer fire service officer. The Academy has compressed two weeks worth of course
work into six days, tailored it to the special needs of the volunteer fire officer, and still maintined
its content, quality and integrity.
Enrollment Information
Eligibility: Volunteer fire officers, career personnel who are volunteer officers within a volunteer department, and those
career officers who are the only paid personnel in a volunteer department and who meet the established student
selection criteria for each course.
Application: Individuals who wish to apply should submit a fully completed National Fire Academy application
to the National Fire Academy's (NFA) Admissions Office. Applications are available through the NFA or the Illinois Fire
Service Institute.
Cost: There are no tuition fees for VIP courses. All instruction, books, and housing are provided at no cost.
Students are responsible for the cost of the cafeteria meals provided, and for personal, incidental expenses. Each student
attending the VIP program will receive a stipend reimbursement to cover the cost of round trip coach airfare
transportation. For those who drive, mileage reimbursement will be provided at a rate of .20 per mile upto the cost
of an airline ticket from point of departure.
When Do Classes Begin and End? Accepted students will travel to the National Fire Academy on Saturday, begin class on
Sunday morning at 8:00 AM, and continue through graduation the following Friday at 4:00PM. For those who fly, air transportation
will be provided on Saturday morning for return flights. Transportation arrangements should not be completed until a prospective
student receives and acceptance package from the Admissions Office of the National Emergency Training Center.
Through the VIP, students will have an even greater opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with
colleagues from across the country in informal settings outside the classroom. This program, along with the other
resources of the National Fire Academy, insures a totally successfu learning experience while keeping the time commitment
to an absolute minimum.
The State of Illinois Department of Veteran's Affairs has identified serveral
IFSI courses that qualify for reimbursement for a veteran's federal VA education benefits.
If you qualify for Montgomery G.I. Bill VA education benefits, you may apply for VA benefits for any of the courses listed below.
This reimbursement will come directly to you, normally after you have completed the course. Should your department pay for your training and desire that the department be reimbursed for the costs,
IFSI will bill the department and you will have to coordinate repayment with your department.
Courses Qualifying for Reimbursement: The Fire Service Institute has requested, and the State Approving Agency has approved,
the following programs for federal veterans' benefits, i.e., G.I. Bill. The veteran must contact the Fire Service Institute veterans' certifying official to apply for his/her benefits.
The actual amount of the benefits will depend upon the program and the eligibility of the individual veteran or eligible
The following are IFSI courses, programs, and eligible hours that qualify for VA education benefits.
To be eligible to receive these benefits, the veteran must have completed the course or program within 12 months prior
to the date of application to the VA. Details are available upon request.
The University of Illinois Fire Service Institute will not take any of the four following actions toward any student using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA} Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® (Ch. 33) or Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (Ch. 3 I) benefits, while their payment from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs is pending to the educational institution:
What should I do if I require Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accommodations for testing?
It is the policy of the Illinois Fire Service Institute to comply with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you wish to request a reasonable accommodation you must submit a written request with supporting documentation to the Accommodations Coordinator at Illinois Fire Service Institute. A link to the request form is below. Please complete the request form and return to the address listed as soon as possible and prior to the start of the course. The Accommodations Coordinator will contact you to discuss the appropriateness of the accommodation request and any possible alternative accommodations. You will be notified both verbally and in writing of the determination.
Request Form