The Illinois Fire Service Institute's Fire Investigation program offers courses which are designed for firefighters and investigators to learn how to discover the fire origin and cause, and to determine if the fire was caused by arson.
Course topics include scene investigation, documentation, fire pattern interpenetration, scene safety, structure fires, vehicle fires, wildland fires, and marine fires.
All of these course are based on NFPA 1033, Standards for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator. The investigation program offers classes for the firefighter/company officer and fire investigator. The fire investigator modules meet OSFM standard for state certification.
The Illinois Fire Service Institute has established the William (Bill) R. Glover Arson Investigation (WRG) scholarship fund supported by Susan Glover, the widow of IFSI Instructor Bill Glover.
The scholarship was established to support students wanting to advance their careers in arson investigation. Each year, a $200 scholarship is awarded to a student who is enrolled in an arson investigation class. To be eligible for the scholarship, the student must serve as a volunteer firefighter on a downstate Illinois (outside the city of Chicago) department. An application form, that includes an essay, must be completed to be considered.
The recipient of the WRG Scholarship will be recommended by a fire chief of a volunteer department or by IFSI staff based upon need. The Director of IFSI will make the final decision.