Ethanol Awareness

Ethanol Awareness : 3.00 Hours

Course Description

The goal of this course is to give the student a basic understanding of the emerging ethanol industry. Chances are you have volumes of ethanol moving through your community on any given day. Fire departments with ethanol plants in neighboring communities may be called to assist in ethanol plant emergencies. Ethanol has significantly different characteristics than petroleum based motor fuels. You must prepare to handle ethanol type incidents. Finally, this course provides a foundation to prepare you to take future ethanol courses. The Awareness course covers topics relating to E-85 such as chemical and physical properties, terminology, production, transportation, distribution, fire and health hazards, spills and the ramifications, sources of additional information and firefighting considerations and procedures.


  Syllabus - Ethanol Awareness.pdf

This course is part of the following Program


There are no prerequisites to taking this course

If you have specific questions about this course contact CHRISTOPHER DOWNEY

If you are interested in having this course taught in your area, contact CHRISTOPHER DOWNEY or your regional representative.

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Applicable Credits

Hours .5